Habits, Frankenstein & Cigars

There are lots of sayings about beginnings and endings. Leadership guru, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, in his famous book Seven Habits for Highly Effective People encouraged folks to “begin with the end in mind”.

When the idea for Just Love in Greater New Orleans was still just that…an idea…we posed this statment as a question. We asked, “what is the end we hope for?” Being a part of the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ, who are a group of people who strive to be a “movement for wholeness in a fragmented world”, the answer came pretty quick: to bring healing and wholeness to the people of Greater New Orleans. Now that we had our end, we had our beginning, and we had our guiding statement. “We exist to Just Love Our Neighbors body, mind, and soul so their lives will experience healing and wholeness.”

Mary Shelley. the author of the classic book Frankenstien wrote, “every thing must have a beginning … and that beginning must be linked to something that went before.” This is true for Just Love in Greater New Orleans. We exist because the folks at First Christian Church - Greater New Orleans, through much prayer and discernment, decided to take all their assests and give them away to efforts that will continue their long history of “bringing healing and wholeness to a framented world” in new and innovative ways. One of those efforts is Just Love - Greater New Orleans.

This is a picture of just SOME of the folks that made this bold and selfless decision. When I think about this group, a quote from Winston Churchill comes to mind when he once said, “this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” If Jesus taught us anything, it’s that nothing ever really ends, it only transforms. Our hope is that the transformation of FCC - Greater New Orleans will lead to even greater transformations of healing and wholeness in the lives of the folks Just Love - Greater New Orleans serves and care for.

Grace and Peace,


Grace and Peace,



Our Differences Matter


We Just Love Greater New Orleans