Just Love - Greater New Orleans

  • Our bodies are the physical aspect of ourselves that carries us through life and allows us to experience the world through our five senses. Physical health involves maintaining a sound and well-functioning body. It includes factors such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and overall bodily fitness. In New Orleans, healthy food and safe and affordable housing are key areas we will focus on to Just Love our New Orleans Neighbors. This area of focus is of particular importance given that everyone's basic bodily needs are met before one can focus on their mental and spiritual well-being.

  • Our mind is our thinking mind (both conscious and unconscious) that is responsible for our beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Mental health is about having a balanced and positive state of mind. A healthy mind is characterized by the ability to manage stress, maintain healthy relationships, cope with challenges, and experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Mental health includes self-awareness, emotional regulation, positive thinking, effective problem-solving, and seeking support when needed. In New Orleans, mental and educational health are big needs and key areas we will focus on to Just Love our New Orleans Neighbors.

  • Our soul is that intangible part of us that some might refer to as our spirit or essence. The concept of the soul is more subjective and can vary depending on individual beliefs and perspectives. For some, spiritual health involves connecting with a higher power, living in alignment with one's values, and seeking a sense of purpose, meaning, and transcendence. It can include engaging in religious or spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, or contemplation, and exploring existential questions. In New Orleans, there is a great need for soul -care. We will Just Love our New Orleans by offering a community that will foster inner peace, harmony, and interconnectedness with oneself, others, and the world through a Jesus-inspired lens.

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Sam Hubbard, Movement Leader.

Originally from Ohio, Sam has lived in Southern Louisiana for over 23 years and loves the people and the culture.  Sam is a second-career pastor coming from the business and construction industries.  Sam holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from Northwestern State University, a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary, and hopes to finish his Doctorate of Ministry studies focusing on Fresh Expressions of Church from United Theological Seminary.  Sam has launched several new expressions of faith and coached others in the non-profit and for-profit sectors.  Sam has two children (Colin and Faith).  He and his partner (Morgan) love spending time with their families, playing with their dogs and cat, traveling, and enjoying nature.

"As an atheist most of my life and a quite loud voice against religion, I resonate and honestly agree with many of the issues folks raise about religion.  That's why I have spent my pastoral career tackling those issues, particularly in the Christian expression of religion, which I am a part of.  The foundational principle of Jesus' teaching is all about selfless love.  I know from experience that love like that will and has changed the world, and I know it has and will change New Orleans.  Here's the thing, I think a lot of folks, especially those who are agnostic or atheist, know this too.  I hope to be part of a community that practices that type of love, where any and everyone is welcome to explore this way of living."

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