Empty Yourself

“Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus:

‘Though he was in the form of God, he did not consider being equal with God something to exploit. But he emptied himself by taking the form of a slave and by becoming like human beings.”  Philippians 2:5-7a

You ever been so full that you feel extremely uncomfortable? We go on a food bender while mindlessly watching television or surfing the internet. Then, we feel nothing but regret when we are trying to relax and our stomachs are so full we feel like we need a great emptying. Usually afterwards in when we promise ourselves we will start a new diet and exercise plan tomorrow!

Feasting is about abundance and in God’s good kingdom there is abundance. However, there are times where we must fast to empty ourselves. Many times in life we find ourselves in a bad season, as James KA Smith calls it (when are we?). We are walking through the wilderness tempted by the evil one like Christ. Afflicted on all sides, we hunger for more and we know when we mix hunger and frustration: you become hangry! However, if we empty ourselves of our wants and needs and attune our hearts and minds to what the Spirit is doing in the world, we can see where God is going in this chaotic world.

The great Spiritual Leader, Fr. Richard Rohr says, “People who empty themselves in the wilderness always meet a God who is greater than they would have dared to hope.” (Simplicity, 25). Where are you? Are you in the wilderness, feeling like an exile in your own world? Are you safe and secure without any worries? Wherever you are, God is there as well. Let us learn to empty ourselves so we may hear God’s voice speak as we move to love our neighbors as God has loved us.



Our Beginning: A Reflection on Ecc. 12:9-14


Labor Day Weekend