Gold, Platinum, and Politics

We're sure you have heard the saying, "do unto others as you would have them do to you." This very familiar saying has come to be known as the "Golden Rule." What may not be familiar to you (and maybe shocking) is that Jesus did not invent this saying or rule. The term itself wasn't a thing until about the 17th century when some Anglican theologians coined it. The saying/rule was first seen in the Egyptian culture in 2000 BCE and shows up in almost every ethical/religious tradition that has ever existed.

 Don't worry! Jesus wasn't plagiarizing. Instead, He was doing what He always did. Taking an idea, rule, or social norm and then turning it on its head to give folks a vision for the new way to live life Jesus was revealing to the world. Jesus begins to paint a picture that all is not well with the Golden Rule. He begins to demonstrate that, in many ways, the Golden Rule can be a very self-centered way to live life. After all, if you are doing something because you want someone to reciprocate the same in return or people to affirm you, that's a pretty self-focused way to live. Jesus says the BEST way to live is to do for others without expecting anything in return, even your enemies!

Quite subtly, Jesus offers a new rule, which many call the "Platinum Rule". Do unto others as they would have done to themselves. In other words, treat people how they want to be treated...not how you want to be treated. This seems so subtle, but it's a tectonic shift in how we live our lives. It puts our focus on the other person...their needs, wants, and hopes. It's an empathetic way to live a life that says we want to know the other person's needs, wants, and hopes. It's a posture that allows us to be more selfless, which is what God is like and how God loves. A love that freely gives, expecting nothing in return. A love that seeks to understand us and meet us where we are at.

Jesus is teaching us here that the "Golden Rule" is pretty good! It's a good place to start and is generally a decent way to live. The "Platinum Rule" is better and leads us to a more perfect way to love and live our lives. Our hope is that as we "Just Love Our Neighbors", we will not treat them the way WE want to be treated. Instead, we will treat them as THEY wish to be treated. You will find something far more precious than gold or platinum when you listen, learn, and love folks like this. We know we have.

Grace and Peace,



The Gospel of Doubt


Our Differences Matter