I am (not) Certain
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

I am (not) Certain

6 A voice says, “Cry out!” And I said, “What shall I cry?” All people are grass, their constancy is like the flower of the field. 7 The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people are grass. 8 The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.  - Isaiah 40:6-8

Uncertainty. It is a feeling that we all have. A kind of crawling of the skin. A “when is the other shoe going to drop” feeling. It is, or at least can be a very scary feeling. I remember the feeling we had during the Pandemic. It was the day everything locked down. There was a lot of fear and uncertainty about what was next. We did not know the chaos that was to come!

The great 20th Century Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein’s work On Certainty, provided an insight into our problem. Wittgenstein said that we are certain with many things, but in the end, it is our certainty. In other words, what is certain for us may not be so for others. In a sense we are all like children believing our parents. As children we had an infallible faith in our parents. No matter what they did or said we believed them. As we grew older we were able to see that they too make mistakes, because they suffer from the same problem that all people do: we are finite people trying to live in a mysterious world. As the Teacher in Ecclesiastes says we are all “chasing after the wind” or trying to grasp at air. 

The truth is we may not recognize our uncertainty because we are good at distracting ourselves from uncertainty. That is a good thing! Thankfully there are distractions like sports (for me at least). However, during the first weeks and months of the pandemic, there were no balls bouncing or being tossed. All sports venues across the world were empty. The distractions were gone.

Because of that, uncertainty creeps its ugly, viper-like head up from the depths. But, like a snake in your garage that you did not see, it was there regardless of your ability to see it. Only the boxes that hid it are now removed. The pandemic removed the boxes of distraction and now doubt and uncertainty take its place. But they do not get the last word. 

Soren Kierkegaard said that doubt comes into the world through faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Think about that! The evidence of things not seen! Faith, therefore, is not so much a certainty as it is our hope. Certainty is built on a shoddy foundation, because we are human beings incapable of being certain in all we do. We can have our certainty, but at some point it is sure to crumble and fall. Faith, however, is built on the unbreakable foundation of hope. Hope does not disappoint! If we have hope, our faith will not shatter and we can live with the uncertainty of life! 

As Isaiah 40:6-8 says we are like the grass and flowers of the field. Here today and gone tomorrow. However, God’s word remains forever! That is the good news: God gets the last word! So my friends, I encourage you to remain strong in your faith and hope against all uncertainty. Uncertainty is not an evil in itself, but it is something we must live with as humans. That is why the life of faith is the life of freedom. Faith is not searching for certainty, but for something greater. Something beyond ourselves and this world and it is built on that foundation of hope. A hope that is unbreakable and unmovable regardless of the chaos in the world.


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The Kingdom You Have
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

The Kingdom You Have

“11 As they were listening to this, he went on to tell a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately. 12 So he said, “A nobleman went to a distant region to receive royal power for himself and then return. 13 He summoned ten of his slaves and gave them ten pounds and said to them, ‘Do business with these until I come back.’ 14 But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to rule over us.’ 15 When he returned, having received royal power, he ordered these slaves to whom he had given the money to be summoned so that he might find out what they had gained by doing business. 16 The first came forward and said, ‘Lord, your pound has made ten more pounds.’ 17 He said to him, ‘Well done, good slave! Because you have been trustworthy in a very small thing, take charge of ten cities.’ 18 Then the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your pound has made five pounds.’ 19 He said to him, ‘And you, rule over five cities.’ 20 Then the other came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your pound. I wrapped it up in a piece of cloth, 21 for I was afraid of you, because you are a harsh man; you take what you did not deposit and reap what you did not sow.’ 22 He said to him, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked slave! You knew, did you, that I was a harsh man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why, then, did you not put my money into the bank? Then when I returned, I could have collected it with interest.’ 24 He said to the bystanders, ‘Take the pound from him and give it to the one who has ten pounds.’ 25 (And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten pounds!’) 26 ‘I tell you, to all those who have, more will be given, but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. 27 But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to rule over them—bring them here and slaughter them in my presence.’ ” Luke 19:11-27

I love Luke’s Jesus. His heart is for the poor. “Blessed are the poor in Spirit” is what Matthew says. Luke says, “Blessed are the poor.” Luke has a point and he is trying to make it clearly. Unfortunately, we are so far removed from those days and times that we forget the urgency and radicalness of these words.

Most of us assume this parable, known as the Parable of the Talents/Pounds/Faith Servant/Unfaithful Servant, is about God being the King who is coming and angry with the one who did little. However, the context does not support that nor do the words. 

This king is known as being ruthless and harsh. He punishes the poor, not because he did not make money, but because he knew he was a, “harsh man; you take what you did not deposit and reap what you did not sow.” Who else takes what they did not deposit and reap what they did not sow?

The juxtaposition is envisaged in the next verses as Jesus, the humble, servant king riding on an ass, enters into Jerusalem. Jesus did not enter as a “conquering hero” or a “usurper”. Jesus entered willing to die for the seeds of a future kingdom to arrive on earth as it is in heaven. A kingdom without end, which is here, but not yet fully. One with abundance and joy, so that no more shall go without and there shall be no more tears.

My friends, the kings of the world, ruthless or not, will let us down. We cannot dare put our faith in these institutions to do justice in the world. We must put our faith in the one who showed us that a kingdom is not about success, wealth, and fame at all costs, but the Beloved Kingdom is a place of love, peace, joy, harmony, and, most importantly, all are invited to God’s Table.


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Doing Good
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Doing Good

“Let’s not grow tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. So then, let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity, and especially for those in the household of faith.” Galatians 6:13 (CEB)

“Be a good boy, Soren.” That’s what I get for naming him that. Soren is a Danish name. Of course, Soren Kierkegaard is the first name that comes to mind, but did you know that Soren is a Danish name for the god Thor? Thor, the storm god. Perfect. It also means serious and stubborn. Basically, we created a thundering, seriously stubborn boy! So, yeah, I need to remind him to be a good boy.

However, he also reminds me that I am not a good boy. When I inevitably get on to him, he responds with “you are not being a good boy. You are a bad boy!” I cannot disagree. It’s hard to always “do good”. What does that even mean? We get frustrated with the day to day. I saw it this morning when a person did not turn right fast enough for a Fedex driver on Hwy. 190 this morning. He was screaming and beating his wheel as I, in the Just Love Truck mind you, was grinning from ear to ear at his tirade. Yet, I have been that person before! Is this doing bad rather than doing good? Maybe. Or maybe we miss the point of the passage.

The context actually suggests that if someone were caught in the wrong; that is being arrogant, jealous, angry, etc…(Galatians 5:16-25), they are not to be exiled from the fold. It is the opposite, we are working to restore them with “the spirit of gentleness”. It goes on to say we do not do this alone. We “carry each other’s burdens” so that we will “fulfill the law of Christ”. As Don says, “Jesus wants us to be all we can be.” This is true. 

Finally, notice the end when it says, “let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity” there is no other option. To work for the good of all, literally means all. No exceptions! We love our neighbors because that is what Christ taught us to do and in doing so, we do the good. 

My friends, keep doing good. Love one another, be gentle and kind, share a word of encouragement, give of yourself, care for someone who is hard for you to be around, and most of all love your neighbor as yourself. Amen.


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Feasting and Fasting
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Feasting and Fasting

Thanksgiving is the best holiday. Do not even try to argue! What is better than food, family, and football. However, we normally forget the whole “what-are-you-thankful-forness” once the fried turkey is being sliced. Regardless of the history of the holiday, the point is to feast and be thankful for the feast.

I wonder if this Thanksgiving will be like the past few. Will families be at odds over politics? Will people even see their families for Thanksgiving because of differences in beliefs? Will we be angry because of Trump and his goonies more than the daily injustices that take place around our neighborhoods? Will we stop bickering about team blue and red, and remember why we are even together in the first place? The irony is that we place these fruitless arguments around an abundant table. While outside there are those who starve. 

My friends, do we understand that when we have a festival like feast that we give thanks to the one who provides the abundance. We rejoice, as one in Communion with God and other. On the flip side of feasting, is fasting. Our modern sensibilities see no room for such a pious ritual. We are different people, why should we fast? If the feast reminds us of God’s abundance, than fasting should remind us of those who are without. It is not God who withholds the abundance, it is us who refuses to see God’s abundance in the world. We fast to not show that spiritual sustenance is as important as physical, We fast to show solidarity with those who are impacted by the wicked, greediness of our commodified, plutocratic system built on robbing the wealth of nations and the lands. We fast to show unity with our brothers and sisters who have nowhere to lay their heads and are told their worth is zero. We fast, because in doing so, we remember that God has called us to live into God’s abundant life and in so doing we cannot do it without charity and love.

My friends, as we feast next week, be thankful for the Abundant God’s goodness, for there is more than enough. However, do not forget those who fast, not by choice, but by circumstance. 

This week, remember to love your neighbor. Show solidarity and thankfulness. God’s abundance is for all, let us choose to believe it!


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski


This past Sunday I had the privilege of sharing the pulpit with three great ministers for the 180th Anniversary of Madisonville Presbyterian Church. I spent nearly seven years as a Stated-Supply Pastor, meaning I am not ordained Presbyterian (Ordained in the Baptist tradition), but commissioned to do the work of pastor. I thought those years would be short. Five years ago when we had the 175th I was positive that would be the last celebration. The average age of the church was 80.4, there were no younger couples or kids, and we had a “crowd” when 25 were in worship! However, as I kept waiting for it to fade away, it remains today.

At Just Love we believe that the Spirit is moving the Church out of the walls of the institution and back to the heart of the people. Jesus’ work was outside the walls of the Temple and that has not changed. I celebrate the 180 years of Madisonville Presbyterian Church. In those 180 years I am positive that many lives were changed and made whole. I do mean it when I say I hope that it lives on for another 180 years. The question is what does that look like? Does it look like the same old bones, with dusty hymnals, broken microphones, and faded carpet? Or is it out in the streets, neighborhoods, and byways? Those we encounter on the road, at the grocery store, or walking down a perilous street that is where the Spirit is moving us.

And I celebrate this. Not what seems to be the downfall of the Institution of the church in America, I celebrate how God is breaking the hubris of our denominations and humbling us to see the least of these in our own midst. We can reflect on all that is wrong and there is much there, but I will celebrate the opportunity to do something new.

My friends, imagine 180 years into the future and Madisonville Presbyterian Church is still making an impact. Not because it is a historical landmark that continues to worship in between tourist visits, but because it chose to follow God down a new, yet uncomfortable path. A path that will end in its physical demise, but continues in the lives made whole in this fragmented world. Consider it a joy and celebration, my brothers and sisters, and imagine the possibilities.


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This is Our Story…and the Story Continues
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

This is Our Story…and the Story Continues

This past weekend, Sam, Morgan, and myself were in Baton Rouge, LA for the biannual Great Rivers Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Conference. It was great to be around so many loving and striving Christians. I say loving because the focus was on caring for each other by telling our stories. We love one another and we let each other know. We showed this love by sharing meals together, helping each other work out ministry issues and problems, caring for our neighbors by filing 50 Hurricane Clean Up kits and loading them into the Just Love trailer to send to St. Mary’s Parish as a point place for helping our neighbors still struggling from the recent hurricanes. 

The Disciples were striving by wrestling with real world issues like climate change, Israeli and Palestinian Conflict, and the rise of Christian Nationalism. There was good, Christian debate, but we all agreed that there is a reason to pray for and with all the world and brothers and sisters struggling with conflict externally or internally. 

Sam and I presented on the topic of Re-Missioning. We both agree that the church in America is going through a major shift. Our country's dynamics, society, and culture is shifting away from Christian America to Post-Christian America. As I have said many times in the past, this is NOT a bad thing. We need some changes, we need to take a deep look at ourselves and really ask the question: are we following Jesus on this path or are we following Caesar? Is it the Spirit (Geist) that we listen to or is it the Spirit of the world (zeitgeist or culture) that determines where we go?

We choose to follow the Spirit. The Spirit leads us into uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous places. But, behold, God is with you and for you. That is the conclusion Sam put well. We at Just Love will strive to be like Christ by being with people and being for people. We believe this is what Jesus did and continues to do (Matthew 25). My friends, be thankful for the love we have in our community. From The Great River Region, our ecumenical partners, our neighbors, to our little motley crew of volunteers; be thankful and live into the re-mission of loving God and neighbor above all else.


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Fear and Loathing
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Fear and Loathing

Spooky season is almost over. On Thursday little trick or treaters will be out and about with their parents and friends frolicking happily along as neighbors give out copious amounts of teeth rotting and blood sugar spiking candy. I love Halloween. Maybe it is because I am an October baby, but there is something about being scared that I crave. I mean fear as in the unknown, not jumping off bridges, planes, or mountains. I love horror, suspense, thrillers, and sci-fi movies. I watch them year round! Fear is a natural, God-given response to the world. 

Believe it or not, many do not like Halloween. Of course, you believe this because you have seen it with your own eyes. As a child of the 1980’s I can tell you many in my hometown were full of fear. The picture above is the quintessential mid-late 80’s costume. Plastic mixed with…plastic (and that is not the scary part). As we went trick or treating in the 80’s, we were also told to be very afraid. “Watch out for razor blades in apples! People are trying to hurt kids this year.” The kids would respond, “We are not looking for apples any way.” Then it was, “well, they may have slipped some drugs in your candy. Make sure the wrapper is not been messed with!” The kids response, “Huh?” Finally, the REAL big, bad fear: “Satanist are looking for blonde hair, blue eyed children and Halloween is when they kidnap the most kids. Make sure you are covering your hair.” Wow! What a thing to tell children.

It was the Satanic Panic of the 1980’s. Yes, those were different times. Again fear is a part of being a human. Fear is what helped our ancestors survive in the form of fight or flight. Fear reminds us that we are not invincible in this world. Fear unlocks things inside we thought we did not have. 

The point is fear is necessary for us moderns as a form of catharsis. We no longer need to run from the big, bad predators or the local tribes/government/violent group. Our fears turn inward and we become anxious, overwhelmed beings because we do not know what to do with it. Catharsis is one way to release our fears, but I would argue faith is the opposite of fear. Fear lives in panic and hopelessness whereas faith gives us security and comfort. That does not mean we no longer fear. There are still things that go bump in the night, but we must learn to unlock our fears so that nothing can stand in the way of the work that God’s dynamic Spirit is doing in the world. Fear may stop us from going places we normally would not, but faith gives us the courage to walk in those places.

My friends, enjoy your Halloween. Laugh and smile at the children, enjoy some fun with neighbors, and try to trick or treat one another this Thursday.


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Test, Test, 1, 2, 3…
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Test, Test, 1, 2, 3…

I feel you little guy! Life can be that way sometimes. Those days come where everything feels like you are being tested. Tests always seem to bring us some anxiety. Remember your first big high school test or college test? You remember when you took the SAT or ACT? How stressful indeed! However, we tend to think any small inconvenience is a test. 

Here is a good example. As I was typing this newsletter, my five year old, Soren, came into the room several times. On the surface this is no big deal. Kids do this all the time. However, when you explain many times that daddy needs to finish this newsletter, your naive expectation is for said child to listen. The fools we are as men! The test is on! Do I go with the urge of my frustration and irritation to lash out? Of course, you cannot do that, but my goodness would I love to. 

It, too, is a test. Albeit a small one. Now imagine yourself in the shoes of a poor person in the hills of Appalachias, a child in war torn Somalia wondering if anyone will notice how hungry they are, or living in fear of the next bomb going off in Israel and Gaza. These horrible and tragic events are when faith is put to the true test, but there is no pass or fail. We are on a journey, not trying to pass God’s exam. Grace gives us freedom to fail and gives us the comfort to not beat ourselves up about it. 

My friends, tests come and go. Some are super easy and others are unimaginably hard. Nonetheless, it is the beloved community of God that serves to hold one another up in these trails. In our communion with God and our neighbors we are able to surpass all tests by God’s grace.


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Blue Skies and Cool Air
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Blue Skies and Cool Air

There is just something about the beauty of Fall. I know, I know, we finally get a little cooler (if 88 degrees is cooler for you) and here we go wearing our hoodies and coats. I promise in Louisiana you see people wearing coats, hoodies, and skull caps in 60 degree weather! But I digress…Fall is great, even if it is for only a few days or weeks.

Part of the lesson to learn about inhabiting a body that is time bound, is learning how to be in the moment. It is so cliche to say, but being in the moment keeps us grounded. Or as Nick Saban said, “Be where your feet are.” We must learn to embrace all moments of life, even if it is fleeting.

Look at the beauty of the Lakefront on Friday. My kids were out of school and it was my youngest birthday. We felt the gentle breeze from the Lake, heard the beautiful songs of the birds dancing on the Oak branches above us, and we watched the fish jump from the water in search of abundance from God. These moments are worth embracing, because when the difficult moments come I will remember that goodness is around the corner.

Fall may go quicker than it comes, but like many short lived things in life, embrace it and enjoy it. Life is a gift and we time-bound creatures of the Most High are gifted with grace and love.


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Care for those who Care
Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Care for those who Care

Some images are haunting. There is something about the “everyday”, becoming something of the past. For example, landline telephones. We live with the ghosts of these haunted things (I am seeing a landline next to my desk as I type).

I remember there was a time when we used to go to Blockbuster/Movie Gallery/Hollywood Video to rent a movie. Obviously, you were not guaranteed to get the movie that made you grab the keys for a drive in the first place. These places do not exist any longer (although there is one remaining Blockbuster in Bend, OR if you are feeling nostalgic). But we still see the remains or the “where it used to be's” if there is no physical remnant. So many old landmarks come and go, and we continue on and on with only a faint awareness that something has changed. And we all know that something has.

The above image is one of those haunted images for me. It is not because it is a church that is falling apart or that it is a very creepy space to place a church. No, it is what it portends. This will not be a “we are in trouble” post. I prefer to look hopefully at what the Spirit may be saying to us. I can imagine the Spirit saying something similar to these words, “Those old wineskins, my friends, will not work any more. Do you hear what I am saying? Join me!” It is up to us to listen and discern where we are in God’s grand adventure.

The church has done so much harm to so many people. Myself included. The church has chosen power over love and wisdom. We see and hear the old ghost of Christian Americanism; the Falwalls, the Swaggerts, the Bakers, the Robertsons, speak through a new generation of Christians who spew hate and confusion wherever they go. Making the faithful on the ground look like fools. Great Christians like Rev. William Barbour who fights for equal rights for our African-American brothers and sisters (along with all the poor) or a theologian like Miroslav Volf who witnessed the horrors of the Balkan Wars and came out with a radical understanding of God’s love through the radical act of forgiveness.

These are the ghosts that may haunt the church today, but we are called to resist any ideology other than Christ Crucified, dead, buried, and resurrected so that all may be saved. The image above may be haunting, but the image of the Great Banquet Feast is not. All will be there no matter race, sex, creed, or gender!

This is the hope that is given to the world through the church. Let us be the hope in this strange, but momentous time.


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

The Fraud

“So I find that, as a rule, when I want to do what is good, evil is right there with me. I gladly agree with the Law on the inside, but I see a different law at work in my body. It wages a war against the law of my mind and takes me prisoner with the law of sin that is in my body. I’m a miserable human being.”

Saturday morning was great. I woke up at 5:30 am, put on my coffee, and fired up the Pit Boss. It was going to be an epic day of beer, football, and food…and it was! I saw some teams lose and my favorite team win. It should have been almost a perfect set up, but yet I was not happy with myself by the end of the night. 

Why, you may ask? Football makes me irrational. No, I mean stupidly irrational. That part of me that knows this is only a game and tomorrow the world will still be here if we lose, just vanishes into thin air. I lose all sense of self and place. Awareness of surroundings becomes meaningless as I may chunk a cup or flip over a table in a New York minute. Let one thing go wrong and bam! It’s over.

You lose yourself and you feel like a fraud. Not everyone has that sense, but most do. Our “feeling” like a fraud probably has to do with how we see ourselves. We may “think” this is how we are supposed to be, act, or do and when actions our do not reflect it…that fraud feeling comes over us again.

Sometimes it is a war within ourselves that we just cannot seem to end. The quote above is from Paul in Romans 7:21-23. This is the famous, “I do not do what I want to do, because I do the thing I hate.”

Obviously, Paul is not quoting this as a constant reminder to never end your guilt trip or shame fest. No, it reminds us that we all may see ourselves this way and that is okay. The point is you are not alone in this. Even Paul’s next few sentences remind us that there is grace available for all. No exceptions!!!

Give yourself grace, my friend, and you may see the only fraud was the thought.


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Spotlight Reflection on Mark 5:21-43

There was one fear that really grabbed our nation and world in the 80’s.  I remember sitting in the gym of elementary school as the entire school watched a movie.  This was a made for tv movie about a boy with AIDS.  You may even remember the movie.  Honestly, I could not tell you the name, but I remember the talk around the movie.  After the film our PE teacher told us that we are to never come in contact with AIDS patients.  They were like the lepers of Jesus’ time.  People were afraid to play sports with players with AIDS until Magic Johnson broke down those barriers.  Everyone was so afraid of AIDS that people even feared drinking from public water fountains.  

Fast forward to 2013.  I, being a green chaplain, began working in a city that, per capita, has the 3rd highest HIV/AIDS population in the USA (with Baton Rouge being the highest in the nation!).  Most of my time was spent with Oncology and Trauma patients and families, but one of my other units was the Infectious Disease unit.  90% of the people in that unit were HIV/AIDS patients.  Sometimes we can’t help who we are or where we came from and those early childhood images of AIDS crept through my mind constantly when on that unit.  Until one day, the suffering of humanity overcame my fear.

I remember it very well.  The patient was a 30ish year old African-American male.  I’m sure at one point in his life he was healthy and full of life, but on this day he was a shell of a person.  He was entering the final days of his life.  He was completely emaciated with yellow eyes from lack of liver function and did not have the power to say a word.  I felt complete empathy for him.  No one was in the room and no family was coming. He was all alone. I walked in as part of normal rounds and sat down in a chair near his bedside. I looked at him and tears began to run down my face. I could only reach for his hand and hold on to it.

In our passage, Mark uses a technique called “bracketing” or “sandwiching”  which is the idea of using two different stories in order to tell one story.  There is, however, a class and gender contrast between two of the main characters in our story.  Jarius is an elder in the local synagogue which would make him a very important person in the area.  

The woman, which we receive no name, has been stricken with this illness for twelve years, spent all of her money, and most importantly has been ostracized from the community because she would be considered ritually unclean.  She was, essentially, a leper; the bottom of the class barrel if you will.  Her story is heartbreaking and it gets lost in the story of Jarius’ daughter being raised from the dead.  She deserves the spotlight today.  

What is interesting about this story is the way it is told.  The woman’s faith was so strong that she believed that if she could only touch his garment she would be healed.  But Jesus, being pressed and touched from the crowd, asks the seemingly absurd question, “Who touched me?”  The disciples gave him a frustrated response that, in modern terms, would be, “What are you talking about?  Hundreds of people are here, they all want to touch you!”  But something was different about this touch.  Something was divine.  The woman did not run, although most would have, because not only was she ritually unclean and not supposed to be there, she made everyone she touched ritually unclean including Jesus!  

Jesus did not respond the way the reader would think, but he called her daughter.  Jesus’ daughter. Jesus made her clean and restored her life.  That, my friends, is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Even the unfortunate seem to be fortunate!  

Could you imagine being her family?  People who could not associate with her due to her ritual uncleanliness, which she had no control over; now she shows up after twelve years of pain, disappointment, and social isolation to declare that she is healed and been made whole again.  She tells them of this Jesus, who was being told that a girl of a rich man was sick, but he took the time to be with me!  He was interrupted from “work” of healing a sick girl who was near death.  However, as a teacher recounts to Herni Nouwen in his book Reaching Out, “You know...my whole life I have been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted, until I discovered that my interruptions were my work.”  

Jesus knew this very well, my friends.  She was an interruption, but it was proof of who this Jesus was.  Jesus was not only there for the rich, he was there for the unfortunate of society as well.  Jesus was making the ritually unclean, clean.  Jesus was giving the blind sight.  Jesus was casting out demons in people who were on the margins of the city.

That’s who Jesus is.  He is there for the unfortunate, those that are on the margins of society.  Those that are culturally unclean in our modern times, Jesus is calling us to make them clean. I remember that day in the hospital room and I wonder if that young man’s story will ever be told. He was cast off by society and his family. Maybe he used up all his chances, whatever that may mean, but I hope in those final moments he knew that God was with him and would not leave him to suffer alone.


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Our Beginning: A Reflection on Ecc. 12:9-14

“The End is my Beginning”, are the words of T.S. Eliot’s poem and we have reached the end of the matter for the Teacher. The end of the matter is the beginning for us. The Teacher experienced life in all its ways. He pushed the limits of knowledge, only to find it leads to much vexation. The Teacher indulged in all the worldly pleasures one could have and it led to emptiness. The Teacher even went further and went into moral perversity and madness. It too led to nothingness. All has led to hebel.

In our final passage from Ecclesiastes the Teacher has given way to the editor. The Editor began our book with verse one of chapter one and added these final lines of wisdom. There are many take-aways from these few verses.  We will focus on two.

Firstly, the Teacher is giving us wise and truthful words. The words of the wise are like a goad. Goads are sticks with spikes or nails sticking out. This keeps the cattle or other livestock in a straight lines. These goads annoy and stick in each and everyone of us who listens to the words of the wise. The wise words are fixed in our memories. The nails of the wise are fixed on us like nails one uses to place a picture on a wall. However, notice that the Teacher is not necessarily talking about himself, but someone in particular: the Shepherd. It is the truthfulness of the Teacher’s words that are attributed to the Shepherd. Psalm 23 tells us that the Lord is our Shepherd and for the Teacher this is no different.

The words of the wise, which are, again, attributed to the Shepherd, the LORD, offer us wisdom. Wisdom from God is the answer to life for the Teacher. You want to live in the beauty of truthfulness? Follow the Lord. But we are too foolish for such nonsense. We must continue to learn more apart from God. The Teacher could anticipate this. In making many books there is no end. In searching for the meaning of life, there is also no end. One will never find the meaning of life on their own terms. But we still struggle to accept the Teacher’s advice.

Humanity has been looking for all the answers for many centuries. We desperately want to know the truth. We live no room for such superstitious beliefs, i.e. God. There must be a “logical” explanation. In C.S. Lewis The Great Divorce, perfectly illustrates humanity's fixation on finding meaning without God. The scene is set on the borders of heaven. A searcher is being invited into heaven. The Searcher is told, “I can promise you…no scope for your talents: only forgiveness for having perverted them. No atmosphere of inquiry, for I will bring you to the land not of questions but of answers, and you shall see the face of God.”

The Searcher replies, “Ah, but we must all interpret those beautiful words in our own way! For me there is no such thing as a final answer. The free wind of inquiry must always continue to blow through the mind, must it not?…the Spirit answers, “Listen! Once you were a child. Once you knew what inquiry was for. There was a time when you asked questions because you wanted answers, and were glad when you had found them. Because that child again: even now.” For we know to be child-like, is to follow God with all our being.

However, the Searcher responds, “Ah, but when I became a man I put away childish things.” No argument would work, even with God there with him. Nothing could satisfy him. Lewis goes on to say the Searcher left heaven and went back to his book club in hell in order to learn more.

The point is in our searching for answers, we blow right past it: God is the answer.

That brings us to our second point, the end of the matter. The Teacher gave us this long treatise on life under the sun. He finishes with the modern equivalent of: That's it! I've said everything I needed to say. At this point it is as if the Teacher is in his classroom and is beginning to pack up his things when a student raises his hand and ask, "So, what is the Meaning of life?"

Fear God and keep God's commandments. That is the whole of humanity's duty. The point is that this is not all there is to life. The Teacher is vague about what commandments, although he has mentioned some throughout the book. The whole of our duty is the opposite of hevel: Fear of God and God's commandments are something we can hold on to, unlike hevel. Of course, the fear of God is not being in a constant state of being afraid. Fear in the Old Testament becomes faith in the New Testament. We are to have faith in God and we have more of the story than the Teacher because Christ came and showed us the way.

The Shepherd above is Christ our Lord. In Gospel of John chapter 10, Jesus says that he of l is the Good Shepherd and through him life is given abundantly. My friends, this is the end of the matter but our beginning. Have faith in God alone. Trust in God in all our ways. There are many other things competing for our allegiance and trust. Only one is worthy.


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Empty Yourself

“Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus:

‘Though he was in the form of God, he did not consider being equal with God something to exploit. But he emptied himself by taking the form of a slave and by becoming like human beings.”  Philippians 2:5-7a

You ever been so full that you feel extremely uncomfortable? We go on a food bender while mindlessly watching television or surfing the internet. Then, we feel nothing but regret when we are trying to relax and our stomachs are so full we feel like we need a great emptying. Usually afterwards in when we promise ourselves we will start a new diet and exercise plan tomorrow!

Feasting is about abundance and in God’s good kingdom there is abundance. However, there are times where we must fast to empty ourselves. Many times in life we find ourselves in a bad season, as James KA Smith calls it (when are we?). We are walking through the wilderness tempted by the evil one like Christ. Afflicted on all sides, we hunger for more and we know when we mix hunger and frustration: you become hangry! However, if we empty ourselves of our wants and needs and attune our hearts and minds to what the Spirit is doing in the world, we can see where God is going in this chaotic world.

The great Spiritual Leader, Fr. Richard Rohr says, “People who empty themselves in the wilderness always meet a God who is greater than they would have dared to hope.” (Simplicity, 25). Where are you? Are you in the wilderness, feeling like an exile in your own world? Are you safe and secure without any worries? Wherever you are, God is there as well. Let us learn to empty ourselves so we may hear God’s voice speak as we move to love our neighbors as God has loved us.


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Labor Day Weekend

“There is nothing better for human beings than to eat, drink, and experience pleasure in their labor. I also saw that this is from God’s hand.” -Ecclesiastes 2:24

How often do we stop to think about these words? We always here the secular form of the saying, “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die!” What if we stopped and said our rest is as, if not more, important than our labor? What if we quit fragmenting time to become more efficient and productive machines, and instead focused on kindness, rest, gentleness, and loving the world in which God created? Labor Day weekend is one of those favorite weekends. College Football kicks off (sorry, LSU fans) and we know Fall is around the corner. We stop to rest and enjoy the toil of our labor, for there is much laboring.

Labor is not only about our physical, backbreaking labor. That type of labor is from another time. Labor is mentally laborious for many of us. We feel we must always be on for others, as if we can do it better than God. Yet, if God does not answer immediately, the faithful understand and wait in patience. However, if we called, texted, or emailed someone, all the sudden the patience is gone! I need an answer now!

I saw someone tweet this as their email signature and it struck me as wise. See what you think”

“It is normal for me to take 2 days to read my emails and 2 more days to reflect on the matter and respond calmly. The culture of immediacy and the constant fragmentation of time are not very compatible with the kind of life I lead.”

Some of you may gasp! “How dare they! People are waiting on them!” Others probably said, “I need to give this a try!” If think it is fair to expect people to respond, but I think it is not necessary that we expect immediacy.

My friends, let us rest in God. That is where we find our strength and hope. If God’s expectations of us were to immediately get things done right, well, we are up the wrong creek without a paddle! But God is patient and kind. Let us practice those same virtues so that the fruit of patience may shine brightly in this over-productive world as we remember to rest from the toils of our labor!


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Living in a Fragmented World Pt. 2

“Here is another thought for you that is very controversial: I don’t see any point in making anything but controversial statements. There is no other way of getting any attention at all. I mean, you cannot get people thinking until you say something that really shocks them, dislocates them.” Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan was known as the “media Prophet”. In the 70’s he coined the famous “global village” and the often misunderstood “the medium is the message”. He was called a prophet because he saw a world that was to come more than most of his contemporaries of his time could possibly imagine. He was mocked and called a fool for his predictions…and yet, here we are. We are almost desensitized by so-called “controversial” statements in the media. We hear our politicians say one controversial thing after another and it works! It gets people’s attention. It may not be good attention, but as it is said, “bad publicity is better than no publicity”. I think the Teacher in Ecclesiastes did an excellent job with this kind of controversial statements. I also think it is clear that Jesus was very good at this as well.

However, why do controversial statements matter if they are not truthful? The truth hurts, we all have received some truth that shook us to our core. The term “gaslighting” has come into vogue thinks to non-truthful/bad faith actors. They say something controversial, but we know it is not the truth. Yet, they will stick to it regardless. It’s the same when Levi, my argumentative middle child , will tell me the sky is green when I mention what a beautiful blue sky it is! We can see the obvious truth, yet…

Jesus was the best at this. When people had an expectation that he would say what the other Rabbi’s were saying, Jesus would flip it on its head. When asked about the Greatest Commandment, Jesus answers rightly for the Scribe. However, when he was tested with, “And who is my neighbor?”, Jesus response was very controversial. They expected the Priest and Levite to be the “good guys”; the only true neighbors. However, Jesus subverted their expectations and gave them the so-called bad guy: the Samaritan.

What if preachers and pastors spent more time saying the truth rather than maintaining the status quo? Many would be fired on the spot for sure, but we must ask ourselves, if we really want to be good neighbors we must be willing to face the truth. The truth hurts, but it is the truth that sets us free. We follow the Truth, my friends, and in this fragmented world of bad actors, we know the Truth will lead us into God’s green pastures.


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Living in a Fragmented World

It is that time of year again or should I say it is a never ending time of year now. Election season is upon and I am beginning to wonder who burned out we are on the constant nagging and shouting from both sides. It is not only politics that are fragmented, but people and communities. Look around and observe. What do you notice when you are out and about? Do you see people? You may say, “What a silly question, Zac. Of course I do.” I mean, do you really see people? There is a great Central African why of greeting one another. In America, we say, “How are you?” of some variation. The local tribespeople when they meet one another say something that is inspiring to me when translated into the English: “I see you”. It means that I recognize you for who you are. I see you and your struggle. I see you and your joy, pain, happiness, depression, and so on. Do we see others? This is an integral part of being with Just Love Your Neighbor. We must see others as fellow travelers in this fragmented, modern world. When we do see one another, think of how much empathy we can have, which will lead to compassionate people doing the work of the Gospel. Loving one another is the only way we can escape this fragmentation. So, let us see others as friends and love as Jesus loves us.

Grace and peace!

- Zac

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JLYN-Northshore . JLYN-Northshore .

Olympics and Unity

The Olympics officially ended yesterday with the Americans (USA, USA) winning the most medals…again. If these Olympics were anything, it was weird. A strange opening ceremony that got people all in their feels, surfing in French Polynesia, e.coli in the River Sine, and other disruptions. We could focus on all that did not go right or we could focus on all that united us. Whether it was watching our women trance all other track and field athletes, strange Australian break dancers, or Steph Curry shooting over a 7’4” Wemby to win gold for America; there was much to unify us in a divided, political atmosphere. Paul talks about running the race. We run the race, because we know there are many rooting us on. We keep going, in unity, to reach where we know we truly belong! This is a lesson for the Church. We must focus on what makes us who we are, rather than what we think we are not. Unify and love one another. These are commandments of our Lord Jesus. So, cheer and enjoy! God is with us as we race together.

Grace and Peace!


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Morgan Szeligowski Morgan Szeligowski

Back to School

I do not know if I ever really left school! It is just one of those feelings, right? When summer comes around and you see kids all over, you begin to wonder, “When does my summer start?” Then, you remember you are an adult and must work during the summer! Oh, the humanity! However, summer ends. Like all good things, they seem to come to an end. My friends, that is the beauty with God. Jesus says he came to give life and life abundantly. Our Scripture from yesterday was John 6. Jesus feeds the 5,000 and they were looking for more. Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life”. Those that eat of him shall never hunger again. We feed people physical food because Jesus met physical needs. We also offer Spiritual food, which Jesus offers in abundance. Come and join us on Wednesdays or go to your local worshipping community and receive the food that Christ has to offer. Summer may end, but the love of God cannot be stopped!

Grace and Peace!


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Samuel Hubbard Samuel Hubbard

Are you Ready?

I am thankful for so many wonderful volunteers, community members, community organizations, and churches who work together to love our neighbors on the Northshore. Are you ready to keep on keeping on? So many are in need and it is our opportunity to show others how we love. What can you do? Sign up to care for our neighbor, give so that this organization can continue to care for others, pray for those who receive love and care from Just Love, and love one another. That’s all! Much love to you all on this day!

Grace and Peace!

- Zac

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